
USI is an organization of leading OEMs, stylus and touch controller manufacturers driving industry standards to promote interoperable active styluses with touch-enabled devices such as phones, tablets, and computing and entertainment platforms.

The primary feature of the standard being developed is to define the method by which the stylus communicates with the content creation devices. One of the goals of USI is to provide a standard user experience while making the active stylus more affordable and widely available in the market.

Latest Discussions

  • Document Name : Display Technology Meeting Minutes 032724.docx No description provided. Download Latest Revision Submitter : Pete Mueller Group : Display Technology ...

  • Hi Everyone, Here are the minutes from out last meeting. I look forward to continuing the discussion tomorrow. Pete Attendees: Kenneth (Google), Roel (Parade), Scott (Intel), Clay Wang (Goodix), Alex (Intel) Notes: ...

  • Thank you, Peter. I will attend this meeting.


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